Martian Through Georgia Production Background and Layout Drawing - ID: aprmartian5481

Martian Through Georgia Production Background and Layout Drawing - ID: aprmartian5481 Warner Bros.



Image Size: 
10.5" x 16.5"
Price: $2,500.00
SKU: aprmartian5481

An original production background and matching layout drawing from the Warner Bros. animated Looney Tunes short, "Martian Through Georgia" (1962). Featuring a fantastic image of a newsstand, the hand-painted background and colored pencil drawing were created at the studio by artist Philip DeGuard, and used during the animation process. The background represents an actual frame of animation that was photographed and appears in the cartoon. Measuring 10.5"x16.5" overall, the background and drawing are in very good condition with a small wrinkle on the left side of the background, and pin holes in the corners from studio use. The layout drawing displays discoloration, significant creasing and wrinkling, primarily around the edges and corners.


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